Write a storybook
Do you have a knack for capturing fantastic fairy tales and fables? Do you like creating illustrations to go with your writing? Then maybe you should be writing a children’s book! We have, after much consideration, selected the characteristics which we think would be optimal, and created this children’s book layout to help get you started. This way, there’s no fuss, and no research required – you can focus on writing and illustrating.
Template Ideas
Heavy duty
This hardcover template has thick paper that can withstand eager fingers better than your average book. It also great for printing in colour.
Hardcovers are nice, but also a bit clunky and expensive compared to paperbacks. This template replaces the cover of the previous template while maintaining the other features.
You’ve probably seen the small square-shaped picture books this template is based on. Perfect backseat distraction for those long car rides.
Storybook cover ideas
Covers for storybooks are probably among the most fun to design. Your creativity is more or less unrestricted here, and design choices that might be considered questionable for other genres can work well here.
Make your cover colourful, and try to include depictions of animals and/or children. These tend to give the best results. It’s hard to get more specific than that since each storybook will lean so heavily on its internal concepts.
One thing that could be worth keeping in mind is who you’re trying to please with your cover. If you’re just making a book for personal use, you can simply design a cover that your child (or whichever child you’re making the book for) would like. If you’re planning on selling your book, it might be worth considering how to design a cover that will speak to parents as much as it does to kids. A subtitle explaining the idea behind your book might do the trick, as seen in the ‘Educational’ template below.



You can also get helpful tips on formatting your manuscript and designing your cover on our blog!